The calendar covers ALCA club nights and events together with other local tournaments in which members may be interested.
The academy meets at Sawston Village College in rooms S1 and S2 (science block) on Friday evenings in term time between 6pm and 8pm starting on Friday 13 September. We are closed on Friday 1 November (half-term) and our final session in the autumn term will be on Friday 13 December. In the meantime here are some local events in which you might like to play.
Sunday 29 September Cambridgeshire Rapidplay (at Whittlesford). Our local event. Five rapidplay games in four tournaments to cater for all standards of player. Early entry advised.
Saturday & Sunday 19&20 October Bury St Edmunds Congress. One of the country’s best Congresses, with five standard play games over two days. Early entry essential as it will be over-subscribed. Four tournaments catering for intermediate players upwards. Suitable for all Ravenclaw players. Details and an entry form on the ECF website’s Calendar page.
Saturday & Sunday 2+3 November Second Cambridge FIDE-rated Congress (at Whittlesford). Another local event for ambitious Ravenclaw players, with three tournaments based on ability. ECF calendar page for details.
Both the Cambridgeshire Rapidplay and Bury Congress are highlights of the local chess scene, not to be missed by ambitious players.